Cennau Cymru field meeting: Pumlumon

Event Type
Field Meetings
Start date
Event Description:
Joint Cennau Cymru & Cambrian Mountain Society field meeting 
Location: Pumlumon 
Date: Saturday 13th January
Time: 10am
Meet: Share cars where possible and meet at the roadside parking places at Maesnant SN 77623 88055 
We are going to head up from the car park from the west aiming for 'baby Pumlumon Fach' rather than the top. There is a good rocky area part way up just off the path with Cetraria islandica (last recorded there 2007). The meeting will likely end at 4 pm, if not before, depending on weather, cold etc. Dress warmly, with good boots, waterproofs, hot flasks etc
Please contact Tracey Lovering on tracey.lichens@gmail.com if you intend joining the meeting.