BLS Winter Workshop 2024: Cloughton Scarborough

Event Type
Field Meetings
Start date
End date
Event Description:

A Bring your Problems workshop

Workshop facilitators: Brian Coppins & Neil Sanderson

Field visit leaders: Dave Minter & Wendy English

Date: Friday 23th to Monday 26th February 2024

The ‘bring your problems’ workshop has been a feature of the BLS meetings programme for some time, all Lichenological & Lichenicolous fungi problems large and small are welcome. The meeting features a field visit to a nearby woodland, which will be confirmed on the web-site.

Note: the dates given in the Winter 2023 Bulletin are incorrect; the above dates are correct.

Meeting Base

The meeting will be residential at Cober Hill, Cloughton, Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO13 OAR 
Tel: 01723870310.  Email:
Web-site: to have a look at the accommodation and facilities

Accommodation and costs

Accommodation for 20 people in single and twin en-suite rooms has been reserved and a deposit paid by the BLS. Full board accommodation including dinner, breakfast and light lunch for 3 nights is £340.35 including VAT. The price includes the cost of the meeting room(s). The earliest time for check-in is 15.00. Dinner is at 19.00.

Attendees wishing to stay on Thursday night must book and pay their own accommodation.


Attendees should book their rooms with the field meeting secretary, Graham Boswell, email or by post to Base Lodge 16 The Parks, Minehead TA24 8BS. And pay a deposit of £50 in to the British Lichen Society (not the BLS) Bank Account, CAF Bank sort code 40-52-40 Account No. 00012363 and reference the payment Cloughton.

Please advise of any special dietary needs.

Microscope Work

A very large meeting room has been reserved for the duration of the meeting for microscope work and presentations. The BLS microscopes will be available for communal use.