A hyphomycetous lichenicolous fungi found parasitic on Xanthoria parietina, in lowland England and Scotland
This fungus causes a brown, spiky layer on the apothecia of Xanthoria parietina in bleached areas of the thallus. Dark-walled hyphae grow up through the host tissue. These have frequent cross walls and produce lemon-shaped spores at their tips. The spores can form chains See Fungi of Great Britain and Ireland and Heuchert & Braun (2006) Herzogia 19: 11–21.
Similar species: On the same host: Gonatophragmium lichenophilum causes a brown, fuzzy-appearing coating on both the thallus and on apothecia. Its spores are formed on hyphae that have few cross walls. Xanthoriicola physciae causes a black sooty surface only on the apothecia.
On apothecia of Xanthoria parietina.

Few records but probably overlooked.
Text by Fay Newbery & Neil A Sanderson