Cladonia azorica


Cladonia azorica

Ahti (1961)
Conservation Status
LC NS (Key)
BLS Number
seemingly a chemotype of Cladonia portentosa
Taxon Photo
General Description

Cladonia azorica is now thought to be a chemotype of Cladonia portentosa, with the addition of fumarprotocetraric acid (Pd+ red) as well as perlatolic acid (UV+ very bright blue-white), however, the morph has a distinct morphology and ecology in Britain. The podetia mainly branches in two and threes and the branch ends are recurved. It also more often lacks usnic acid than the typical morph. The habitat appears to be mainly mossy rocks in western woodland and moorland, very rarely on tree bases.

While the perlatolic acid is found in the base of the podetia in the cortex, as in Cladonia portentosa, the fumarprotocetraric acid is confined to the tips of the branches.

For the time being the taxa is still being recorded by the BLS mapping scheme.  

Distribution Map
Key to map date classes
Threats & Status

Britain: Notable


Sanderson, N. A. (2017) The New Forest Heathland Lichen Survey 2011 – 2015.  A report by Botanical Survey & Assessment to Natural England, Forest Enterprise & The National Trust. Link

Text by Neil A Sanderson based on Pino-Bodas et al (2021)

Lichenicolous Fungi
Niesslia cladoniicola D. Hawksw. & W. Gams