Lichens – An Illustrated Guide to the British and Irish Species

Authors and Other Details
Frank S. Dobson (7th edition 2018, reprint). 520pp.

This edition of this popular book provides an invaluable guide to identifying the British and Irish species, both for the beginner and the more advanced lichenologist. Originally published by Richmond Press but being made available as a reprint by the BLS.

With detailed air pollution references and distribution maps, it offers the environmentalist and ecologist a concise work of reference, compact enough to be used in the field. The 7th edition conforms with the nomenclature of ‘Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland’ (LGBI) ed. Smith, C. W. et al (2009) and more recent changes. Over 1,000 species are treated.

This edition includes many species not currently in Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland and a section by Mark Powell on lichenicolous fungi on Physcia and Xanthoria.

Entries consist of a description of each species, a photograph, notes on habitat, chemical tests and line drawings of microscopic and other diagnostic features. Help is also provided in separating similar species.

The popular generic lateral key has been retained and enlarged together with a section on sterile species. A generic synopsis is included to assist the more experienced lichenologist.

Retail price: £30. Members only price: £25.
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£4.50 UK
BLS Book
Lichens – An Illustrated Guide to the British and Irish Species cover