Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
2941 Haematomma ochroleucum var. ochroleucum (Neck.) J.R. Laundon (1970) Yes Haematomma ochroleucum var. ochroleucum 554 Thallus yellow-green; with usnic acid LC Haematomma ochroleucum var. ochroleucum
2942 Haematomma ochroleucum var. porphyrium (Pers.) J.R. Laundon (1970) Yes Haematomma ochroleucum var. porphyrium 555 Thallus grey; usnic acid lacking LC Haematomma ochroleucum var. porphyrium
2943 Haematomma sorediatum R.W. Rogers (1982) Yes Haematomma sorediatum Haematomma leprarioides
Haematomma neglectum
2944 Haematomma ventosum (L.) A. Massal. No Ophioparma ventosa 556 LC
2945 Haematomma ventosum subsp. lapponicum (Räsänen) J.R. Laundon No Ophioparma lapponica Ophioparma lapponica (Räsänen) Hafellner & R.W. Rogers, but British status of this species doubtful
2946 Hafellia arnoldii (Servít) Hafellner & Türk No Buellia arnoldii 1854 NT NR Sc IR
2947 Hafellia disciformis (Fr.) Marbach & H. Mayrhofer No Buellia disciformis 204 LC
2948 Hafellia leptoclinoides (Nyl.) Schied. & H. Mayrhofer No Buellia leptoclinoides 210 LC NR
2949 Hafellia sanguinolenta (T. Schauer) Hafellner & Türk No Buellia sanguinolenta 1856 NT NR Sc
2950 Hainesia pertusariae Etayo & Diederich (1996) No Epithamnolia pertusariae 2292 NE NR LF
2951 Hainesia xanthoriae Brackel (2009) No Epithamnolia xanthoriae 2671 NE NR LF
2952 Halecania alpivaga (Th. Fr.) M. Mayrhofer (1987) Yes Halecania alpivaga Lecania alpivaga 1756 VU D2 NR Sc Halecania alpivaga
2953 Halecania bryophila Fryday & Coppins (1996) Yes Halecania bryophila 983 NT NR E Sc IR Halecania bryophila
2954 Halecania giraltiae Van den Boom & Etayo (2001) Yes Halecania giraltiae 2774 NE NR
2955 Halecania laevis M. Brand & Van den Boom (2009) Yes Halecania laevis Catillaria laevis 2552 NE NR Halecania laevis
2956 Halecania micacea Fryday & Coppins (1996) Yes Halecania micacea 1821 LC NR E Sc IR Halecania micacea
2957 Halecania ralfsii (Salwey) M. Mayrhofer (1987) Yes Halecania ralfsii Catillaria jejuna
Lecania ralfsii
620 LC NS Halecania ralfsii
2958 Halecania rhypodiza (Nyl.) Coppins (1989) Yes Halecania rhypodiza Catillaria rhypodiza 319 VU D2 NR E P Sc IR Halecania rhypodiza
2959 Halecania spodomela (Nyl.) M. Mayrhofer (1987) Yes Halecania spodomela Lecania spodomela 622 LC NR Sc Halecania spodomela
2960 Halecania viridescens Coppins & P. James (1989) Yes Halecania viridescens 1704 LC NS Halecania viridescens
2961 Haloplaca britannica (R. Sant.) Arup, Søchting & Frödén (2013) No Caloplaca britannica 1689 LC NS ?E Sc IR
2962 Haloplaca sorediella (Arup) Arup, Frödén & Søchting (2013) No Caloplaca sorediella 2459 LC NR
2963 Haloplaca suaedae (O.L. Gilbert & Coppins) Arup, Frödén & Søchting (2013) No Caloplaca suaedae 2321 DD NR IR
2964 Halospora deminuta (Arnold) Tomas. & Cif. (1952) No Merismatium deminutum 1152 currently a synonym but may be adopted as the correct name in the future LC NS
2965 Halospora discrepans (J. Lahm ex Arnold) Hafellner (2011) No Merismatium discrepans 1154 currently a synonym but may be adopted as the correct name in the future
2966 Hastifera tenuispora D. Hawksw. & Poelt No Micarea cinerea f. tenuispora 2341 LC NR
2967 Hawksworthiana peltigericola (D. Hawksw.) U. Braun (1988) Yes Hawksworthiana peltigericola Ramularia peltigericola 2069 NE NR LF Hawksworthiana peltigericola
2968 Helmutiopsis aspersa (Borrer) S.Y. Kondr., L. Lőkös & J.-S. Hur (2021) No Rinodina aspersa 201 NT NR Sc
2969 Helmutiopsis atrocinerea (Fr.) S. Y. Kondr., L. Lőkös & J.-S. Hur No Rinodina atrocinerea 1281 LC
2970 Helocarpon crassipes Th. Fr. No Micarea crassipes 1661 currently a synonym but may be adopted as the correct name in the future VU D2 NR Sc