Area: South-East Scotland
This group started in 2022 for all lichen beginners and enthusiasts. Please get in touch with Graham Pyatt to join the mailing list.
Graham has suggested the series of field trips below, aiming to revisit most of the species seen last year and to add a few more, hoping to reach 200 species by the end of 2023.
A typical field meeting will start at 10:00am, meeting at a carpark across the road from Hay Lodge Park on the A72 at the Western edge of Peebles, grid ref NT245405. We will then drive on to the venue, which may take half an hour to the head of Manor Valley. There will normally be morning and afternoon sessions, ending back in Peebles by 4pm. Car-sharing will depend on Covid rules.
Contact: Please email Graham Pyatt pyattdg@gmail.com
LISS visit to the East Lothian coast, at Tyninghame, October 2022
The Group at Sting Burn, Manorhead
The Group at Glenrath Hope, Manor Valley, celebrating the work of Frank Dobson on British lichens
Events list for 2024
- 23 April (Manor Valley: Cademuir Hill and Wellbush Ruin). We couldn't use the churchyard, so went on and did the rest of the outing.
- 14 May Manor Valley: Hallmanor Forest: Baeomyces placophyllus. Upper forest boundary wall: Porpidia melinodes. Maybe also visit Manor Churchyard.
- 11 June Tweeddale: Oliver Forest near Tweedsmuir.
- 16 July Manor Valley: Posso Farm, Sting Burn.
- 6 August 'Tweeddale': Possibly boulders on the Meldons Road and Leadburn Community Forest.
- 17 September Dawyck Botanic Gardens
- 15 October St Baldreds: Coastal
Events list for 2023
Word document with 2023 meets listed
Visits of LISS 2023 Tuesdays, 1000-1530 | Highlights | New species | Total species c/f 164 |
MARCH 14th 2023 | |||
1a. Hay Lodge Park 1b. Manor Bridge 1c. Manor churchyard | Lecanora varia, Melanohalea laciniatula, Physcia stellaris, Rinodina sophodes, Xanthoria ulophyllodes. Physcia caesia. Physcia dubia . | 2 | 166 |
APRIL 11th 2023 | |||
2a. Cademuir Hill 2b. Cademuir Farm 2c. Wellbush ruin | Calvitimela aglaea , Lasallia pustulata, Miriquidica leucophaea, Rimularia intercedens. Xanthoparmelia conspersa & mougeotii. Xanthoria elegans. | 2 | 168 |
MAY 9th 2023 | |||
3. Hallmanor Forest | Baeomyces placophyllus , Porpidia melinodes, Porpidia flavocruenta. | 2 | 170 |
JUNE 6th 2023 | |||
4a. Langhaugh Tunnel 4b. Dollar Forest 4c. Sting Burn Or: Part of the above, plus 4. Horsehope Forest | Cladonia humilis, Placopsis lambii, 3 Stereocaulons. Hypotrachyna sinuosa. Dibaeis baeomyces, Ionaspis lacustris, Placopyrenium fuscellum, Rhizocarpon petraeum, Sphaerophorus globosus. Lichenomphalia umbellifera. | 1 | 171 |
JULY 4th 2023 | |||
5a. Posso Farm 5b. Posso Craig | Caloplaca decipiens, Sarcogyne regularis. Lecanora muralis Cladonia cervicornis, Fuscidea cyathoides, Lecanora orosthea, Mycoblastus sanguinarius, Schaereria cinereorufa, S. fuscocinerea, Stereocaulon evolutum, Trapelia glebulosa. Caloplaca saxicola, Lecidella scabra, Xanthoria elegans. | 2 | 173 |
AUGUST 8th 2023 | POSTPONED | ||
SEPTEMBER 5th 2023 | |||
6a. Langhaugh Tunnel 6b. Dollar Forest 6c. Sting Burn | Cladonia humilis, Placopsis lambii, 3 Stereocaulons. Hypotrachyna sinuosa. Dibaeis baeomyces, Ionaspis lacustris, Placopyrenium fuscellum, Rhizocarpon petraeum, Rimularia intercedens, Sphaerophorus globosus. | 1 | 174 |
OCTOBER 3rd 2023 | 11am start | ||
7. Coast at St Baldred’s Cradle, Tyninghame | Flavoparmelia soredians, Lichina pygmaea, Punctelia jeckeri, Rhizocarpon richardii, Toninia aromatica, Verrucaria mucosa, Xanthoria aureola…. Last year's list | ? | 177+ |
OCTOBER 24th 2023 | |||
8. Dawyck Gardens, Stobo, Peeblesshire |
Events list for 2022
Visits of LISS 2022 | Highlights | New spp | Total spp |
1a. Hay Lodge Park 1b. South Park Wood MARCH 8th | Lecanora varia, Phaeophyscia, Physconia, 3 Ramalinas, Rinodina sophodes, Tuckermannopsis. Bryoria fuscescens, Pertusaria amara, Platismatia glauca, Usnea dasopoga. Report - Found species | 23 7 |
30 |
2a. St Andrews Cemetery APRIL 12th | Acarospora fuscata, Umbilicaria polyphylla. Lasallia pustulata, Ramalina subfarinacea, Umbilicaria cylindrica, Xanthoparmelia conspersa & mougeotii. | 6 25 |
61 |
3a. Schoolhouse Wood MAY 17th | Flavoparmelia caperata. Aspicilia contorta, Caloplaca flavovirescens, Fuscidea lightfootii, Melanohalea laciniatula. | 1 14 5 |
81 |
4a. Langhaugh Hill JUNE 14th | Cladonia humilis, Physcia caesia, 2 Stereocaulons. | 10 3 6 | 100 |
5a. Posso Craig 5b. Hallmanor Farm Cottage (again) JULY 12th | Cetraria aculeata, Cladonia bellidiflora, Mycoblastus sanguinarius, Schaereria cinereorufa & fuscocinerea. | 13 2 | 115 |
6. Glenrath Hope AUGUST 9th | Buellia griseovirens, Cladonia digitata, Pertusaria albescens, Physcia stellaris, Punctelia subrudecta, Trapeliopsis pseudogranulosa, Xanthoria polycarpa. | 12 | 127 |
7. Dawyck Arboretum SEPTEMBER 13th | Calicium viride, Graphis elegans, Lecanactis abietina, Lecanora intumescens & crenulata, Lobaria pulmonaria, Pertusaria flavida & hemisphaerica, Protopannaria pezizoides, Thelotrema lepadinum. | 14 | 141 |
8. Coast at St Baldred’s Cradle, Tyninghame OCTOBER 11th | Anaptychia runcinata, Caloplaca marina & thallincola, Lichina confinis, Ramalina cuspidata & siliquosa, Rhizocarpon richardii, Toninia aromatica, Verrucaria mucosa, Xanthoria aureola. Found species | 23 | 164 |