The Shropshire Lichen Group is an informal gathering of lichen enthusiasts, ranging from complete beginners to intermediate level. We also welcome and encourage new faces to the group.
The group came into existence following the lichen presentations given at a meeting of the ‘Shropshire Ecological Data Network’ in Shrewsbury in 2018. At the meeting several delegates showed an interest in forming a self-help Lichen Group which came into being in late 2018.
The group has established contacts with many of the conservation bodies in Shropshire and the surrounding areas. Meetings are a mixture of visiting new sites and returning to sites as the skill level of the group increases and they can identify a larger number of lichens.
We regularly meet twice a month, both in Shropshire and surrounding areas. All meetings are weather dependent and can change, so it is important that the organisers know you are intending to come, so that any last-minute changes of plan can be communicated.
Events are listed in the BLS events calendar.
Contact: Mary Steer mary.steer1@btopenworld.com or for any meetings listed in Staffordshire, Susan Benbow smb.lichens@gmail.com