Atlantic Hazel: Scotland’s Special Woodlands

This beautifully illustrated book by Sandy & Brian Coppins was published by the Atlantic Hazel Action Group in March 2012 (ISBN 978-0-9572034-0-2).

The Atlantic hazelwoods of Scotland, parts of western Ireland and possibly a few isolated valleys in Wales, are some of our most ancient woodlands, older by far than the Atlantic oakwoods of Scotland and older than some of the Caledonian pinewoods. This book aims to change the way people think about hazel and in particular the hazel woods along the Atlantic seaboard.

Until recently many ecologists saw hazel as nothing more than an under-storey shrub that needs to be coppiced to survive. In fact hazel can also occur as wind-clipped coastal woodland and as stands amongst other woodland types. The Atlantic hazelwoods can be considered as the “rain forest” of the British Isles, with a unique epiphytic assemblage of lichens, fungi and bryophytes of international importance. They need appropriate management to preserve and enhance the habitat.

Required reading for anyone interested in our woodlands.

Copies can be obtained from AHAG (email or NHBS