The maps reproduced below are based on data derived from the BLS database on 28 November 2012. The data are grouped and colour-coded (As shown in the keys to each map) according to number of species (not records) . The figures in brackets are the actual number of 10 km squares for each species frequency class. Note that the absence of a coloured square does not necessarily imply the absence of lichens occurring on ash in that square, but merely that the BLS holds no records of such for that square; host/substrate information is not always provided with species records. Map 1 shows the coincident distribution of ALL lichen species; Map 2 shows the coincident distributions of only those species which have a conservation threat status of: Critically Endangered (CR); Endangered (EN); Vulnerable (VU); Near Threatened (NT) - or for which a substantial proportion of the world population occurs in Britain (International Responsibility - IR).
Map 1. All lichen species occurring on Ash