Features and letters
Stop press: Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland launch
Permanent quadrats for saxicolous lichens in Britain Allan Pentecost
Evidence that browsing animals can have a significant effect on epiphytic populations of
Sphaerophorus globosus in Scotland Vivyan Lisewski and Christopher Ellis
Cyanolichens on perennial fungal fruit-bodies David Richardson
What do lichen families have to offer? David Hill
Large genera, small genera, and lichen taxonomy Linda in Arcadia
Tom Chester bequest – awarded to the Pioneers! Barbara Hilton
How Plantlife Scotland is giving Scottish lichens a boost Matilda Scharsach
Wanted: Usnea! Rebecca Yahr
Being a beginner; the problems of inexperience Mark Powell
Beyond Francis Rose James Wearn
Lichen use in nest building by red squirrels Ishpi Blatchley
OPAL lichens – hot off the press! Barbara Hilton and Pat Wolseley
Database project – progress report Janet Simkin
Lenses, loupes and magnifiers Stephen Ward
Punctelia reddenda new to the Netherlands Leo Spier and Klaas van Dort
News about Xanthoriicola physciae Tom Preece
First steps in lichenicolous fungi Amanda Waterfield
Regular articles
Literature pertaining to British lichens – 44 Brian Coppins
New, rare and interesting lichens Chris Hitch
Field meeting reports
BLS Field Trip to Hoy, Orkney 18–24 August 2008 Brian Coppins and Steve Price
Future meetings 2009-10 71
Society business
Progress on a strategy for the Society Peter Lambley
51st Annual General Meeting, Edinburgh, 2009
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Brian Coppins – an appreciation Roy Watling
The Swinscow Lecture – 2009 Gintaras Kantvilas
Report for 2008 - Biosciences Federation and Institute of Biology Anthony Fletcher
Honorary Members Mark Seaward
Ursula Duncan Award Stephen Ward
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2010 99
Obituary: Jeremy M. Gray 1937 – 2009 Frank Dobson
Articles for Sale etc.